How To Make A Mehndi Or Henna Cone? OR How To Make Mehndi Cone? OR How To Make Mehndi Cones?

By | June 27, 2012
  1. Assemble tools and supplies
    • Florist Wrap / Plastic Paper / Mylar Tissue / Mylar Wrap / Cellophane Gift Wrap. The thicker the product, the easier the cone making.
    • Scissors
    • Tape

  2. Cut Florist Wrap / Plastic Paper / Mylar Tissue / Mylar Wrap / Cellophane Gift Wrap into rectangle shape.

    Rectangular Piece for Cone

    Rectangular Piece for Cone

  3. Fold one corner inside (As shown in picture).

    Inside Folded Corner

    Inside Folded Corner

  4. Continue rolling till the cone is formed.

    Final Shape Of Cone

    Final Shape Of Cone

  5. Tape the seam on your cone.
  6. Firm up the tip with tape.
  7. Using a small spoon, ladle the henna mixture into the cone until two thirds of the cone is filled. Do not fill it up to the very top.

    Filling The Cone

    Filling The Cone

  8. Seal the mouth of cone with the help of tape.

    Final Cone Of Mehndi Or Henna

    Final Cone Of Mehndi Or Henna

  9. Now the mehndi or henna cone is ready.

  • NOTE: Mylar wrap and cellophane wrap make beautiful cones. If you are using Mylar tissue, keep hands moisturized, as you cannot roll tissue Mylar if the humidity is low and your hands are dry, too much static electricity makes the tissue unmanageable.

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