How Long Does Henna Tattoo Last? OR How Long Does Henna Last On Skin? OR How Long Does Henna Stay On? OR How Long Will Henna Last? OR How Long Does Mehndi Last? OR How Long Does Henna Last? OR How Long Does Henna Paste Last? OR How Long Does Henna Stay?

By | October 30, 2015

Depending on how long the paste was left on, where the tattoo is located, and the natural properties of the individual’s skin, henna stains will last anywhere between a week and a month.

Thinner skin like tops of hands (which are also washed frequently, making them exfoliate faster) this cause tattoo usually last around a week. Arms and legs usually hold the stain around 2 weeks, give or take. Stomach areas (like pregnant bellies) can hold the stain for 2 weeks or so. Tops of the feet can hold the stain 2 to 3 weeks. Thick skin such as palms or soles of the feet can hold the stain for a month or more, depending on the person.

Upper torso skin (chest/upper back and above) is thin and much more oily than the rest of the body, and generally does not take the henna stain as well as other areas.

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